Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nativity Pictures

When I wrote "The Nativity Song" (Children's Songbook page 52) I was planning a Christmas program and wanted to do the Nativity without costumes. I drew posterboard-size figures for children to hold instead. Each picture can be enlarged with an opaque projector. Use one color for each character and draw the lines with a black marker. Cut out separate light pink construction paper face and hands and glue in place. Add eyes, etc. and figure is complete. Two characters are put in place with each verse of the song. My figures are laminated and were made in 1979--we still use them every year!

Lehi's Vision

The picture of the Vision of the Tree of Life is from my Hill Cumorah Coloring Book (Ten Book of Mormon scenes, plus information about the Pageant) It can be used with "The Iron Rod" Hymn 274.

My Heavenly Father Loves Me - Ideas

Enlarge each picture to a square about 8 1/2 " X 8 1/2" Draw with marker and use crayon or chalk to color. Laminate. Give the first 8 pictures to 8 children and ask them to listen to find where their picture comes. Children could stand in order, or attach pictures with clothespins to a cord or rope, or use 4 pant hangers--two pictures per hanger. Pictures can be removed one or two at a time to check if the children know the words. For a small group of children, copy and cut a small set of pictures for each child and let them color and arrange in order. Suggest they use for FHE. Provide an envelope to send them home in. Clarify the ascending scale for "I'm glad that I live in this beau-ti (same pitch) ful (skip down) world" (see large notes in the music). Teachers or a few girls could sing the small note harmony.

Follow The Prophet Faces - Part 1

Back in May, I said I would start posting these "Follow The Prophet" faces each month. Well, summer got busy and I never "followed the promise!" So here they finally are in three consecutive posts. Enjoy!

Follow the Prophet Faces - Part 3

Here are some Sharing Time ideas with additional verses to "Follow The Prophet" (by yours truly) about Joseph Smith, Gordon B. Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson. I hope you enjoy the new faces (still working on President Monson!) For President Hinckley's face, just cut out the inside of his glasses.